Vistuff - Vista Stuff
Wednesday, September 5, 2007 by PPV
Here are some downloads for Vista from Andreas Verhoeven's site.
GlassToasts replaces the "ugly" WindowsXP/Vista style balloon notifications with the Beta 1 style glassy toasts: With this application the balloons in Vista will also have an aero glass look. Works on Windows XP also.

Download: GlassToasts
3D User Picture replaces the user picture in Vista's startmenu with a pretty 3D animated one. Requires a DirectX 9 capable graphics card.

Download: 3D User Picture
Thumbnail Sizer allows the user to change the size of Vista's Window thumbnails that show when one hovers over the taskbar button for the window.

Download: Thumbnail Sizer, Source Code
GlassToasts replaces the "ugly" WindowsXP/Vista style balloon notifications with the Beta 1 style glassy toasts: With this application the balloons in Vista will also have an aero glass look. Works on Windows XP also.

Download: GlassToasts
3D User Picture replaces the user picture in Vista's startmenu with a pretty 3D animated one. Requires a DirectX 9 capable graphics card.

Download: 3D User Picture
Thumbnail Sizer allows the user to change the size of Vista's Window thumbnails that show when one hovers over the taskbar button for the window.

Download: Thumbnail Sizer, Source Code