
Universal mobile phone charger unveiled

The mobile phone industry plans to introduce a universal charger as part of a drive to improve its previously patchy environmental record.

This will mean phone users no longer have to hunt for the right charger, but the specifications for the new device include a 50% reduction in standby energy consumption.
Samsung jumps onto the green bandwagon with its Blue Earth cell phone, equipped with a solar panel on the back that will charge up any time you're out in the sunshine. It is Samsung’s vision for environmental sustainability under the slogan: “The Blue Earth Dream: Eco-living with Samsung mobile”.

Blue Earth is the first solar powered touchscreen phone. It is made from recycled plastic called PCM, which is extracted from water bottles, helping to reduce fuel consumption and carbon emissions in the manufacturing process. The Samsung Blue Earth handset, including cell phone charger, is free from harmful substances such as Brominated Flame Retardants, Beryllium and Phthalate. The packaging for Samsung Blue Earth phone is designed to be both small and light, made from recycled paper, and comes with a 5 star energy efficient charger which uses standby power lower than 0.03W. As part of the Voluntary Agreement of European Commission IPP (Integrated Product Policy) pilot program, Samsung has agreed to start using rating on energy consumption on the no-load mode of the mobile phone charger.
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